In the Matter of Arizona V. Lori Klein.
On October 2 2008, Lori Klein, who is a candidate for the Republican nomination for the Arizona Senate from Legislative District 6, was arrested and charged with violating ARS 28-701.02A3, (speed exceeding 85 MPH); ARS 28 -1381A1, (DUI); and ARS 28- 1381A2 (DUI with Blood-Alcohol of .08 or More). In other words, this wannabe law-maker, was breaking the law and driving without regard to human life, at 85 MPH on public roads with a very high octane blood-alcohol level. Thankfully the police apprehended her before she killed or injured anyone.
After fighting the charges for over a year, Lori Klein was sentenced to 3 years probation; 1 day in jail which was served on 8/17/09; Alcohol Education with DUI Education, Treatment & Counseling with Court Support Services, which she completed on 10/28/2009; Ignition Interlock Device per MVD order and; Penalty Fees totaling $1,460.00, which she paid on 8/10/2009.
Now, Lori Klein has tried to explain away her irresponsible behavior on her campaign Web site under a section she calls "Lessons Learned."
From Lori Klein's Campaign Web Site
Lessons Learned:
A couple of years ago, on my way home from an event, I was pulled over for speeding. The officer asked me if I had had anything to drink that night. I had two glasses of wine so I said "yes" and agreed to take a breathalyzer test. I wasn’t terribly concerned because I had consumed the glasses over a long period of time and I felt fine.
So you can imagine how I felt when he said that my blood alcohol content was at .08—the legal definition of a DUI. Stunned, shocked, and embarrassed just to start. As the mother of three teenaged boys, I always had imagined how I would handle it when the call came from them in the middle of night. Now I was the one making the phone call. It turns out that losing fifty pounds and being in ketosis, as well as having a slower metabolism is not a good combination if you are going to drink wine, even with dinner.
It only took me a short while to realize that as embarrassing as this was, I was actually quite lucky. I might not have felt impaired, but the limit is set at .08 for a reason, and the evening could very well have ended tragically for me, my family, or even someone else’s family.
Since that night, I’ve used the event to warn and teach my friends and family about the importance of not having even that first drink if you know you will be driving later on. Get a designated driver or order the iced tea.
Since that night, I’ve used the event to warn and teach my friends and family about the importance of not having even that first drink if you know you will be driving later on. Get a designated driver or order the iced tea.
Some people are surprised by my willingness to talk about this event, but what good is learning a lesson the hard way if you can’t share it and help others with the lesson learned? For more information on the dangers of drinking and driving, please visit http://www.drinkinganddriving.org/, and for information on how to talk to your kids about alcohol/drugs, please visit http://www.theantidrug.com/.
Paid for by Klein for Senate © 2010
It was also discovered that Ms. Klein has also contributed money to the pro-abortion WISH List, which is dedicated to electing pro-choice Republican women at all levels of government. WISH List also has very little regard for human life.
Klein, who is not a precinct committeemen in LD 6 is being strongly supported by Arizona Treasurer Dean Martin; former LD 6 representative and congressional candidate Sam Crump; and current LD 6 Arizona Representative Carl Seel.
Thankfully for Ms. Klein, she also has the support of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, just in case she lands in Tent City.
Driving under the influence of alcohol consumption is regarded as to be one with the severe violations around the globe. Most of the countries have severe consequence for this kind of offense, as when drunk and driving it may perhaps result in incidents that harms other individuals too. In case when one is booked for drunken drive, the top, the person can do is always to employ DUI Lawyers to save him.
ReplyDeleteI can see why Klein fought for one year to have the charges removed. Apparently in this state, if you have two or more Class 1 misdemeanors strung together, that equates a felony, and she couldn't have a felony on her record -- she wouldn't be allowed to run for office. She'll be in good company if she wins. She'll be hanging out with all the other unconvicted felons in the Senate.