For Immediate Release
Contact: Chris Baker 602-677-1380
(Phoenix, AZ) Alan Keyes, Chairman of Conservative Majority PAC, announced his support for former Senator Pamela Gorman (R) in the crowded ten-way primary for Arizona’s 3rd Congressional District to replace retiring Congressman John Shadegg.
The Conservative Majority PAC states, “In the battle to preserve the rights and free institutions of the American people, we need sincere, principled leaders. We need those with the moral courage to assert and defend our God-given rights. Our purpose at Conservative Majority is to identify those good candidates for public office, and to return this nation to its foundational core.”
Of Gorman, specifically, Keyes says, “I believe there is one candidate in the Republican primary for Congress in (the 3rd) district who can truly help lead the effort to save America, if you will empower her to do so. That candidate is Pamela Gorman. “In a field of 10 Republican candidates, Keyes has chosen to back the proven conservative who has a solid record of leading on key conservative issues. He explained, “She knows that without respect for life, property and all the individual freedoms guaranteed under our Constitutional system of ordered liberty, tyranny triumphs.” He added, “Her record reflects the heart of a person who has the courage and the will to carry her convictions into public policy, in fulfillment of her sworn oath of office.”
Pamela Gorman said, “I am honored by this endorsement from Mr. Keyes. As an anti-establishment candidate, it is great to be recognized by a respected national figure for my leadership on key issues we share. Most notably we share a passion for furthering policies to defend the sanctity of life.” Keyes, a pro-life activist, was selected by President Reagan to negotiate the language of the Mexico City Policy, which withheld federal funds from international organizations that support abortion.
More information can be found on Pamela Gorman, candidate for U.S. Congress, at www.Gorman2010.com.
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