Wednesday, January 21, 2009


In a American Conservative Republican post on Sunday, January 18, 2009, titled "AZ GOP Statutory Meeting," the ACR made it seem as if the Arizona Right To Life Pac had endorsed both Randy Pullen and Lisa James for Chairman of the Arizona Republican Party. After a careful read of the statement released by the Arizona Right To Life PAC, ACR apparently made an assumption about endorsements that was not stated. Our apology and our thanks to the reader that pointed this out.

The statement from Arizona Right to Life PAC said, "The Arizona Right to Life PAC has reviewed the candidate questionnaires for both Chairman Pullen, and his opponent, Lisa James. Both candidates' responses were found to be in-line with the pro-life legislation and pro-life agenda of Arizona Right to Life PAC. Seeing no discernible difference among the two candidates, based on the questionnaires alone, the Arizona Right to Life PAC has decided that both candidates would carry the pro-life cause with them to the Chairmanship of the Arizona Republican Party." Obviously the RTL-PAC statement makes no mention of any endorsements.

Please feel free to contact us if you discover a mistake, we're not perfect but we try to be accurate.

Thank you,